Release Information
- Updated: ERAs are now processed according to the posting rule set. Processing exceptions will create a review task assigned to the team with the ERA review responsibility.
- Updated: Moved the ID Cards section to the right side of the registration page
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Workflow Reminder
It is critical to remember that all commands should be committed prior to locking a note. If you do not lock a command, Canvas does not save the information in the uncommitted command to its database (even if you lock a note). Users ensure the data is saved in our database by committing their commands and locking the note.
If you need assistance to understand how to commit an individual command, please review our Command Library.
Currently in Progress:
Our engineering team is currently working on the following features. If you have questions regarding any of these projects, please contact Canvas Support.
- Foundational "back end" infrastructure improvements
- ONC Certification
- Continued Revenue improvements
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